With the rising number of Covid-19 patients in the Philippines, the country is trying its best to find ways to isolate the situation and lessen the spread of Coronavirus.
With the country’s initiative to fight Covid-19, Multisys Corporation created a website and a mobile application that is approved by the IATF ( Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseaseas) and National Task Force on Covid19 and also in cooperation with other organizations, STAYSAFE.PH was created.
At the moment, you can access it from their website. They are still working on the app which will be available both on Google Play and IOS. This online platform will give real time data on the health condition of patients. This also helps the government track the suspected and confirmed Covid cases in different areas.
How Staysafe.Ph works?
Filipinos who register on the platform will be asked if they are showing symptoms of Coronavirus. Once you registered, you will be asked if you are experiencing any symptoms of the virus.
The website or the app, will come up with a result informing you if your symptoms is considered as mild, moderate, or severe condition.
If you are showing symptoms, the system will send a notification or an alert to frontliners or healthworkers and they will conduct an online health consultation with the patient and do the necessary later on.
How to Register to Staysafe.PH?
1. You need to provide your mobile number and password which will be used to login to your account. Just fill in the the information needed such as your location and age. You will also be asked about your affiliation, but that is optional. You will also be asked to post a photo of yourself.
2. After you register, you will be asked a few questions if you are showing any symptoms such as a cough, headache, fever and so on. If none, you can just click on None of the Above.
3. Now that you are registered, you can also add your family members without providing their real names and you can always update it once they show some symptoms. They make sure that they also follow the Date Privacy Act.
4. If you look at the bottom, you will also find the updated cases of infection, deaths and recoveries of Covid-19 in the Philippines and in the world.
What’s amazing about Staysafe.Ph?
1. You are helping to fight the spread of the virus by providing information about your real-time health condition. If you are showing symptoms, the emergency response team will be notified right away and will follow the necessary steps to stop further transmissions.
Data will be sent to a so-called Heat Map dashboard at the National Task Force for Covid-19. They will be able to identify and show the areas and the number of people exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19.
2. It’s a great source of information because you are provided with the updated numbers of Coronavirus in the country and anywhere else in the world.
3. You will feel much at ease and become more aware of the social distancing protocol. This will also help the Philippine Government to track those people that you came in contact with or close to in case you tested positive.
4. The registration is completely free. So please do register as this can really help you and your family in a big way!
On the other hand, it is great to know that scientists are ceaselessly looking for ways to produce a vaccine or a cure against this virus.
But while we are waiting, all we could do now is to protect ourselves, our loved ones and families buy following the social distancing, wear masks all the time, and keeping surfaces clean and virus-free.
I encourage everyone to register at StaySafe.Ph . At this time, it is important that we all unite and fight this virus. We can beat this and we will! Stay safe everyone!
Source: PTV